Receive your MP3 for free: Explore with your 5 senses

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Receive your MP3 for free: Explore with your 5 senses

      It is with great joy that I offer this MP3: Explore with your 5 senses to rejuvenate and activate your potentialities. I guide you with my voice in a deep relaxation to get in touch with yourself, soothe the mind and develop your abilities to perceive with your 5 senses (images, sounds, sensations, odors…). Regular practice promotes the development of the capacity to perceive, know and receive information. Over the course of training, you can better connect with your inner resources and make them grow. You can experience multi-sensory experiences inside yourself. I invite you to practice a minimum of 7 times this MP3 to better perceive the evolution in you. To receive your MP3 for free, I thank you to fill the form below.  You will automatically receive after a few minutes the link and password required to download your MP3. If you do not receive the mail, check your spam also called junk mail. I wish you a wonderful trip to the heart of yourself and a wonderful sensory experience. Warmly, Isabelle Girard

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