Access Bars from Access Consciousness ®
Quantum approach to the release of memories and limiting beliefs
Access is a set of tools and techniques designed to facilitate in each of us a greater openness to consciousness. Consciousness is the ability to be fully aware, totally present in all areas of life. It is the ability to constantly awaken to more possibilities, more choices and more life. «
It is a subtle and powerful energy process that allows you to free yourself from the beliefs and limitations that prevent you from being yourself and advancing as you would like on your way. I have observed concrete and rapid changes in subjects that allow to have an even greater awareness of oneself, of what surrounds them, and to be connected to this ability to constantly awaken to more possibilities, choices, and abundance in Life. This technique allows us to reconnect to our unlimited potential and restore the access and memory of the infinite possibilities of our being.
It is a matter of activating by a soft touch, following a defined sequence, 32 points on each side of the head. These points contain all thoughts, ideas, emotions, beliefs, judgments stored in this life or in past lives. We work by theme (example: Money, creativity, sexuality, time, space, consciousness…) and we can add a work of verbalization to liberate the thoughts, emotions, memories or beliefs that can be attached to it. This work liberates what there is to be liberated on several planes and in the different dimensions of our being.
The American Gary Douglas created the Access Consciousness program in 1990, a set of psychological and philosophical processes for the development of consciousness. The 32 point technique is a subtle energy process that is part of this program.
The « Bars » provide a deep relaxation and help to easily release what prevents you from receiving and delimiting yourself from the different areas of your life. This process has allowed thousands of people to transform many aspects of their lives and their bodies. It allows us to open new possibilities for ourselves, mankind and the planet.
What if the world was just the manifestation of our viewpoints? What if we were more creative and unlimited than we think? What could we imagine more infinite, better, greater? What could be better than that?
A « Bars » session is about living a different psycho-energetic process from what you’ve been through. A process of evolution of consciousness that is practiced easily for your relaxation and the release of cellular memories.
Depending on the responsiveness and pace of each, I will recommend 2 close sessions to accentuate the effects and promote concrete and rapid changes.
The duration of the first session is usually 1h30. Then we see together (from 1h to 1h30 according to your needs and preferences).
This method, like all those presented on this site, is confined only to the sphere of well-being and is not akin to any medical or paramedical practice.
I also offer training to learn this approach in 1 day as a bar facilitator.
To learn more, check out this video: see the video for an appointment request, please complete this form. Given the number of requests, I will answer you within 10 days according to my possibilities. Thank you for your trust. Name and surname-email-phone-city, region and country when are you free for your session: Week (morning, noon, afternoon or evening) or weekend? Specify your job or occupation, your age and situation (couple, single what leads you to take this step at this time of your life? What are your main objectives? Have you ever undertaken a personal approach to self-employment with a therapist or other attendant in the past? Do you have experience in energy care, meditation, hypnosis or related disciplines? Have you ever received a bar session or not? Are you currently experiencing difficulties with your physical or psychological health (depression, anxiety)? In the joy of accompanying you soon. « That all of life your life come with ease, joy and splendor »