Hypnosis is a very powerful therapeutic tool that can help a client make significant changes in his or her life, whether it is behavioural or emotional or cognitive functioning. Among the problems generally addressed by hypnotherapy, we find:

  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Self-Love
  • Mourning a relationship
  • Stress and emotion Management
  • Better live her couple
  • Experiencing abundance in your life
  • Regaining shape, energy and vitality
  • Reducing anxiety and mental concerns
  • Slim
  • Better live a transition (professional, sentimental, family, expatriate)
  •  Improve your professional performance, prepare for an interview, speak in public…
  • Develop its creativity and potential
  • Prepare and recover from an operation
  • Pain Management
  • Better Live your sexuality
  • Loss of a loved one
  • dependencies, phobias…

After your initial appointment, your process (number of sessions, duration, frequency, etc.) will be exchanged together. If you want to work on another aspect of your life, feel free to share it with me. In a therapeutic context, the number of sessions and their duration is the subject of an exchange together. Note that the services offered are not substitutes for a psychotherapeutic approach with a member of the Order of psychologists of Quebec.   Some supplements on hypnosis:

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, an intermediate state between waking and sleeping. There are several ways to access this state. Any technique of relaxation or meditation induces a state of hypnosis.

Some yoga exercises also allow you to arrive at a state of hypnosis. The hypnotic state occurs in the same way during an acupuncture or massage session. In addition, we all pass through a hypnotic state at the time of falling asleep and at the time of awakening. So it’s a daily experience. Thus, the ability to be hypnotized is an inherent characteristic of human beings. The hypnotic state is above all a pleasant experience where the body becomes relaxed, the mind, calm. Thus, every hypnotized person takes pleasure in this physical well-being and this inner peace.

Since this is an intermediate state between waking and sleeping, a person who is hypnotized is not asleep. She doesn’t lose consciousness either. In a light state of hypnosis, it may seem to be well awake, alert except that the eyes are closed. In a deep state of hypnosis, it is at the limit of sleep. Often, during a hypnosis session, she experiences different depths of hypnosis that lie between these two extremes. However, it maintains its ability to reason and its contact with reality, even in a deep state of hypnosis. One cannot therefore push a hypnotized person to commit actions contrary to his moral convictions. Now, as she is physically relaxed and mentally calm, she is easy to focus on what the hypnotherapist says. Thus, hypnosis can be conceived as a state of relaxation and a state of concentration of the mind allowing a privileged communication between the practitioner and his subject that is not hindered by external stimuli. However, during the hypnosis session, the subject is fully aware of everything that is happening. After the release of hypnosis, he remembers what happened during the session. In hypnotic state, however, it is able to let go, allowing a therapeutic work in depth where the resistances are reduced.

How do you feel under hypnosis?

The experience is different for each person. Some people experience a feeling of heaviness of the body, others of lightness, or sometimes of absence of bodily sensations. Many people experience a distortion of time, as if the session seemed short or timeless. Some people feel like entering a second state while others just enjoy a deep physical and mental relaxation.

 The truth is that there is no universal sensation associated with the state of hypnosis. You are in a modified state of consciousness that allows you to receive information and experience experiences that you do not normally have access to. However, you do not lose consciousness.

How does it work? Is this process safe?  Hypnosis

  • The hypnotic state is a natural, normal state between waking and sleeping that each one experiences several times a day. As a natural state, how would it be possible for the person not to be able to regain his normal state of awakening?
  • You stay conscious for the duration of the session and we have a permanent dialogue to facilitate access to information and allow you to live the experience fully.
  • You will be guided by your 5 senses (not just the visual) and the experience is interactive.
  • We communicate together and interact throughout the session and share your feelings, impressions and sensations.
  • We work with the higher consciousness of the individual, that part of us who knows everything about us. It only gives access to what is useful and beneficial to you as a soul. The sessions are done in kindness and love.
  • So the process is quite safe. However, as with any professional, if you were to experience inconvenience or discomfort after your session, you can contact me to discuss it.
  • It is rare that this happens, but sometimes it may be that the person feels fatigue, a headache after the session, or slight physical discomfort.  It is a work that is done in depth and that can be asking for the body. Reassure yourself that this is temporary. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Is the state of hypnosis something that learns and develops, or is it an innate state?

The question is very important and the answer is this: the state of hypnosis is something that learns and develops. That is, the more you practice, the more you learn to enter this state easily and deeply. However, some people have more predisposition than others. That’s why I created a preparation MP3 specially designed to help you get into a state of readiness.





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