PARTICIPANTS ‘ Testimonials about ACCESS BARS training, body processes and energetic FACIAL LIFTING

Isabelle, I want to thank you for the wonderful energy that you are and that you passed on to us at the Access Bars class. I really felt in full harmony with your radiance, it’s rare enough for me, so important to underline it! Since the training, I am joyfully amazed at the ease with which the sessions take place, and my energetic feeling, which I was not aware of before I did the class!!! It’s crazy how I feel the energy when I call it to circulate, and at every point I activate. As Gary and Dain say it’s like I always knew!!! In any case since the class and every session I feel that it is moving, we feel a real ‘ ‘ cleaning ‘ ‘ that then brings us to even better. One thing is certain we do not emerge the same after such a process. I realize that I radiate joy and well being even more than before (without pretensions on my part) so I attract even more positive people. In fact my life evolves towards pure happiness without judgments and in a total acceptance of things and the coup ‘ ‘ all of life really comes to me with ease joy and glory! ‘ ‘ Another thousand thanks for this wonderful tool and this class which is a nice step in my path of sharing and transformation to the still and always better! Joe 

« Good evening Isabelle, thank you very much for this wonderful day. I loved this training which is for me the second day of Access Bars Consciousness. You brought me freshness, lightness and good humour. You’re incredibly bubbly and full of life. It was great, it boosts!!! Look forward to seeing you again and very quickly for another training with you! Big « . Patricia

Isabelle, thank you for this wonderful day (energy Facial lift) spent together and your light energy. I have been in constant joy since I met you and it makes me feel good, to have more lightness, more sensitivity, more clairvoyance, more presence, more customers,…. + de + in my life……. Infinite gratitude towards the bright person that you are Alina

still a class of pure happiness and transformation. Isabelle you still blew up all the counters of happiness, wellbeing, joy and energy… Thank you again for being who you are!!!! Joseph Sorce During his energetic facial lifting training

there is so much more possible when we open up to the generative and creative energies that are available to us, in our lives and in our bodies. Isabelle Girard is a real magnetic bomb of explonentialisation of our true nature: sexual, orgasmic and creative! Its lightness and delicacy will reveal the secrets of your life that are already in you and that you had ignored so far. Receive the change with Fun, ease, glory and the tools of Access Consciousness ®… Workshop Joy and sexuality, Penelope

Isabelle, here are some small returns to a few days of this wonderful day: first of all I really wanted to thank you for this day of training that you conducted with a very large opening, a great Professionalism, love, sunshine, Heart, Attention…., I felt very good where I was, I could not have found better than what I think I came to seek at that time, in my life. So I say thank you very much. I realized that all the participants were also in this same process and suddenly it gave me the impression that everything sank…. be in its place among the others, in a work and a common research of very high quality. Which made everything seem to me to go in the direction of a job I had done so far… a logical sequel.. Still a very big thank you  »

Dear Isabelle
Thank you and gratitude for this wonderful weekend in the world of Access bars. I come back with a lot of joy in the heart and a great feeling of happiness. This beautiful dynamic of the class still carries me and I did not expect to meet so many vastness in the field of access consciousness. What a beautiful surprise that opens up a lot of horizons.
So I keep the momentum and I want to be part of the Foundation class with you in Marseille and the workshop joy and sexuality… It’s on the adventure… Still a big thank you…  John P
« You vibrate yourself the magic, the joy and❤ ️ the love and above all, the aut😊henticity I am really very happy to have met you ». Stella
Always so crazy… Yes, this trainer is completely insane. Crazy about shares, exchanges, love and multiple possibilities. Thank you and the group for this day just as radiant as you. David, London
Hi Isabelle, I just want to thank you once again for this rich Saturday day. Your words still resonate and grow in me every moment. I feel so much this strength and this light that animate me and at the same time. I feel that they continue to grow a t☀ ️☀ ️☀ ️housand thanks for crossing my pa💞th you are a person apart: so bright and inspiring! MERCIIIIIII 🤗 Nice Day to you. Aurélie
« When I did the training I was full of questioning and smoker!!!!.
I had absolutely no plans to stop smoking. The rest of my experience access bars was a nice surprise. My worries soared and above all, I quit smoking. It was so natural that it was easy for me. I really did not plan to stop, or even envy. But Access bars did its job on its own. So I became non-smoker and in joy…. Thank you Isabelle Girard, thanks Access… V. « 
Isabelle, you are a great ambassador for Access Bars because you breathe the joy of life. You’re really solar. And a thousand Thanks for everything you’ve given us. I guess it’s up to me now to make my way. Elodie
Thank you very much for this pleasant day and I am very happy to have done your training. Thank you also for sharing and for your good humour that you radiate during the training and that leaves us very comfortable and confident. You can feel that you do with love ♥ Today I got up in full form and my pains are parties…je feel very good 😊 Renata
Hello Isabelle, I hope you are well and that your body sparkles as you desire and more… I took a long time to give you a return on my changes after my day Bars because I had no words to describe this change if puissant…et I was in full transformation.. Everything to begin with, when I saw an interview with you with Antoine and happiness (I also thank him). My body wishes to spend a moment with you on this memorable day in search of my life mission, and what revelation I had that day!! Everything was clear and clean, finally, my desires, wishes and dreams were confirmed to me as just and real… followed the bars class and even before this, my body knew that a dramatic change took shape in moi…la logical suite… Once again, I do not have the words to describe what I have experienced, this revelation so dizzy to scare me… Because I am very receptive and I feel things.. But in this very positive case. Even so, the chaos that followed were difficult to tackle but time did its job and patience was saving. I continued by myself: books, videos, exchanges etc… And when I look back, these are only spent 6 months (not even), I really do not feel. My life has literally changed, especially my vision and my perception of things. Today I use the tools of access in my daily life and it is very powerful. There have been major events in my life during these 6 mois…et I imagine the sequel… even if I live in the present (goal of my day hypnosis). A beautiful transformation… All this, to thank you and tell you how much you are… (not words) Continues… I even got the energy of being you from this weekend… Gratitude to you, to the universe, to my body.. Sandrine 

« Taking an Access Bar training with Isabelle is a wonderful day, filled with good humour, joy, laughter, and practices made with respect for everyone.  Isabelle knows how to convey with enthusiasm and heart all that must be acquired at the end of the training.  » Nathalie. A day of unexpected training, where all the ingredients were there, a magical encounter with Isabelle, participants in a real quest and suddenly a real attentive and guided work that already brings me its fruits, so that happiness.!!!! Aline « After today’s Access Bars training with Isabelle, I feel like saying » I love you « to the whole world. Thank you Isabelle. This experience is already starting to change my life.  » Franck

« I feel that a lot of things are moving inside of me, and I’m all excited cheerful, a lot of positive things happen. I found yesterday’s training even more intense than the last time, perhaps also the energy of the group fit me more.
Thank you for your generosity your shares.. Wow!
I’m on the quest for ever more.. And I would not fail to do other training with you..  » Ingrid
Dear Isabelle,
A big thank you again for this training day Access Bars that took place with lots of fun, joy, and happiness. She boosted me and motivated me to continue my projects. Since I keep asking questions I already see small changes.
Little anecdote: We had to take our cat to the vet because its transit was blocked. After a day and a half of monitoring no change. The vet tells us if tomorrow nothing moves it will have to be operated. From the blow by car I ask the questions « what else is possible? » and « How can it be even better than this? » I call the next morning the clinic and there they tell me its transit has resumed a little bit we could give him a laxative remember tonight. I call back at night and then say, « You can get your cat back. » GRATITUDE thanks……
Thanks again for your dynamism, your warmth, your listening and your gaiety.
To soon Beatrice

« Isabelle, I’ll see you on Saturday for your foundation class. I wish you a very good week and thank you again for the day Access Bars yesterday, it was huge, I loved the energy of the class and I believe that everyone too! Thank you thank you thank you!  » Charlotte-Regarding « after », I told you my problems before leaving regarding the start of my activities and there on Monday so the next day, all the people called to register and suddenly, I could start this week without Problem… what a joy!!! -I can also report changes in my perception, in approach with people in my classes, as if contact with the other was lighter, easier, I feel much more comfortable… really lighter.-I also did a treatment in Acupuncture today and there too, the person was able to let go of the emotions of the blockages fluid during the session rather intense and I felt also in my place, quiet, in the reception, without discomfort, without perturbation…et of the blow it was really the Pleasures to discover and feel another energy and that the other can also enjoy.-In my body practice, I also feel that my feelings are more intense, I feel more deeply my body and this one asks to express itself even more freely As soon as I give him the opportunity.-and finally, I have a continuous mental excitement over this day, which does not let me down…. So yes, it has moved a few days, to follow in a while. Aline B Excerpt: « In any case I thought a lot about you and all Monday. I had a displacement and chose the train, suitable means of transport to « brake », dream, let be.. And I took the booklet you gave us. I laughed!! Alone, but I laughed.. What humour in & so much common sense to find.. It’s a real gift you shared with us. I thank you again for this day of training which I feel, know, already opens me to other possibilities.. I am full of joyful and playful energy. Light too!! I already feel closer to me and it’s pretty nice and funny.. I’ve been laughing a lot since Friday!! And as you said so well, when I think of everything that is still possible, a great « wahoouuu » comes to me.. & with a smile. So I look forward to practicing and continuing this beautiful training adventure « Raphaele

What about this training Access bars followed in July 2017, just perfect. The joy of life of Isabelle made me spend a beautiful day filled with fluency, joy and happiness. The group was beautiful, the training was rich in emotions, when we followed the training Access bars many things change in our lives at lightning speed, we become aware of things much faster. In short by doing this training expect you to positive upheavals in your life in the days following this training. A little note also on the chosen room on Marseille, beautiful place laden with a very soothing energy conducive to the changes. Thank you for this day, thank you for your energy, your involvement, your good humour, your patience…, very quickly for new training with you Isabelle.  Yohan

« Thank you Isabelle for this beautiful day, what a carrier energy. Today I made my first session at the Bars to a customer, he would never have imagined that I was starting and that the training was on Sunday. My feelings and his face open and radiating at the end have confirmed to me that something has happened. We really had a great trainer. I love these new tools that I’m going to try to explore.  » Joel « Gratitude for this wonderful day of the energetic Facial facelift, Saturday 14 current, full of teachings and joy, new welcoming knowledge,… before taste of a very promising near future!! » Martine

« Access Bars allowed me to discover an extraordinary tool to help, to accompany, to relieve, to enlighten, to awaken, to reconnect, to liberate… This day of training accompanied by the benevolence of Isabelle allowed me to get out of my prejudices, judgments and obligations that blocked me in my daily life. It was a real happiness, which I share today with my patients for surprising results! A big thank you to Isabelle for her accompaniment, her good humour and her joy of living so communicative! « Isabelle L

« I participated in the Access Bar Consciouness training with Isabelle Girard Facilitator Access Bars on Saturday July 8th which lasted only one day but was very intense and dense. A lot of information to integrate but Isabelle has « facilitated » the task thanks to her kindness and her sweetness. Very professional and serious with in addition a touch of malice in his look and approach. An unforgettable day! Thanks for the experience « Soraya

« A thousand Thanks for Sunday’s BARS class. Thank you for your enthusiasm, your joy, your kindness… Just happiness and lightness!… My body, my being sparkles encore…au pleasure to follow other classes with you « Laurence

« This training with you as a facilitator has been very interesting. Your welcome is perfect and your teaching often confusing…. I also had a great day with the other participants and I appreciated this approach of « giving and knowing how to receive ». In the meantime I say to you soon for the workshop of Self hypnosis…  »   Georges

« Thank you again Isabelle for your animation on Sunday: You are wonderfully accessible and the good atmosphere has resulted »… Cécile





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