Testimonials Around the Hypnosis workshop « reconnecting to oneself, liberation from the past and mission of Life »

« This workshop was a catalyst for me in my life. It has allowed me to free myself from the weight of my past, to access information about what is important for me to accomplish in this life and to have access to memories of past lives by quickly reconnecting to more knowledge. The MP3 of preparation also helped me a lot… These journeys guided by the voice of Isabelle were simply magical and very powerful for me. I have been able to feel several times openings in my heart and vibrations in my body. I was able to perceive different dimensions and receive messages, images and sensations easily.  In addition, I leave with a wonderful tool to be able to reconnect by myself with my higher being and take action to realize my aspirations and be who I am more. This workshop is a pure gift and the guidance of Isabelle was very powerful to me and gave me confidence in my ability to create a new reality « Thank you for your joyful presence Isabelle and all these inspiring shares on what is possible to be and To do. See you soon. Victoria « I am delighted to see in me a new joy of living since the day of Saturday and spontaneously (surprisingly) changes of habits that are already put in place automatically. Wow and only after 1 day…  » JC « The atelier of Isabelle in quantum energy hypnosis allowed me to live several reconnections and regain this connection with my deep being, my inner voice and opened my heart. I now feel really in a new space, a new consciousness and connected to who I really am. I also received information on my life path and on the various steps to follow to complete myself. I always practice the transmitted tools and the move to action is now done when I tended to move slowly and to think a lot. Every day becomes more serene and I observe a great number of synchronicities and demonstrations. A real joy. Gratitude Isabelle for your energy and what you have allowed to liberate in me with this day. I still continue the practices after 2 months to access even more… Good to see you again…. Sophie. « Thank you Isabelle for this vibrant day!!!! Thank you for all these exchanges and this dynamic with you and the whole group. In the joy of finding out about the transformations after my practice weeks.  » Marie

« Thank you very much, Isabelle. This day brought me a lot, a new way of approaching life. I had a feast with Joe Dispenza’s video. By listening to it it is as if all my cells had returned to vibrate like the day of the workshop! It’s great. And I am deeply in my life as an adventurer of consciousness. Thank you for opening this path with your communicative joy! A very soon, I’m on bisous. Chase

« Thank you for this beautiful day full of reconnections. Happy to have attended your class. Hate to make you a comeback. Hugs « Brigitte » Hello Isabelle, I really enjoyed the workshop of self-hypnosis…

I waited a bit before I gave you news… In fact I have clarified my goal as and when… It’s now more than a month that I do every day my self-hypnosis session (recorded with my voice emphasizing the opening side of the heart) and I realize that I have a much easier contact and carries far fewer judgments compared to the People I meet… -that I am already familiar or that it is strangers-I have indeed made one or two nice meetings with people sharing my values… (To be followed..) I now move on to creativity….!

Thanks again for what you are doing and transputting… I kiss You « Marie Claire

When Isabelle told me that this workshop would allow me to continue the work that we had done in session, I was a little skeptical. In the first few days of practice, I thought that this technique of quantum self hypnosis was more like a guided meditation to improve behavior. And then with the days, with every practice, I was able to refine my mastery and I discovered all the potential of this absolutely incredible technique. The exchanges with the other participants and with Isabelle were also very rewarding and inspiring during the two group meetings. I am very happy to have been able to participate in this workshop which will greatly help me to move forward. And today I access my guides and information about my past lives independently. Very nice meetings, great discoveries and endless possibilities. Thank you! 🙂    Ben P.

This workshop with learning a self-hypnosis approach is an essential tool, like breathing, like food, like human relationships. Self hypnosis is about learning how to fuel up. Self hypnosis is learning to connect with oneself and define our contact with others. Thank you Isabelle for creating and sharing me such a beautiful tool.  Suzanne drinking This workshop allowed me to confirm that I am the best Guide for myself. That inner dialogue can be easy and fluid. I was able to validate that I already have everything inside me to gain access to the information I need in my life. This is a wonderful tool that I can add to my already well filled chest. I feel confident for the rest, because I know that as soon as I need it, just give me some time and space to… Breathe… and listen! Thank you!   Maria




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