342655 Summer-Joy _ tTestimonials and shares for you 

I wanted to thank you for the pleasant time we spent together. To visit the field of all possibilities is not commonplace and I could not have had by my side a better accompanist. Our symbiosis has only strengthened in me the goal that I wanted to achieve. So I want to share with you what I felt and by the fact even lift the veil on my silences that sometimes furnished the moment. I was immediately parachuted into the experience and my mind was transported into the arms of love. What a exhilarating sensation! It is this well-being, moreover, which held me in my silence. My whole being tasted the pure nectar that this energy brought me. It was even possible for me to palpate the extent of the consciousness that exists in us. It became my carnal envelope on this journey and its essence cleansed me of all doubts. My whole being vibrated under the spell of this powerful elixir. I was drunk with love, Isabelle!  Without being able to explain it, my cellular intelligence immediately recognized its source. Today, despite the fact that a few days have passed, it is still possible for me to feel the joy that this revelation has provided me.  In this space, not governed by time, I connected to the possibilities that inhabit me. The lesson I draw from this is that our source is endless and unlimited; Everything is possible and the best is coming….  Francine Ahuja, Montreal

I had the joy of doing a spiritual hypnosis session with Isabelle Girard and I can only testify to my profound gratitude. Following our initial interview, Isabelle fully grasped what I expected from this session. Thanks to her unique presence and professionalism, she was able to accompany me step by step in the respect of my experience with a rare lightness and a great gentleness. I was able to free myself from a very important emotional knot while becoming aware of unexplored luminous aspects to date. I can undoubtedly say that this session represents for me a crucial step in my spiritual journey. I thank Isabelle again warmly for this wonderful accompaniment. Frédéric, personal Development professional Quebec

For the first time I did a spiritual hypnosis session. Made by Skype, everything went very well even though I had a lot of apprehension at the outset. We had planned with Isabelle to connect with the inter-lives to get information on my life mission. What I have experienced goes well beyond my original request. A very high vibration has set up fairly quickly giving me access to guides and a profound and subtle healing of my being. The work of Isabelle allowed me to activate the Diamond of my heart which, for many of us, remains closed, mired by old memories, old sufferings, simply cutting us from ourselves. I understood by this session and this connection to my inner crystal, connection to my faith above all, that everything becomes possible today, that I am not alone and that I have the strength, the love necessary in me to fulfill my mission of life. Thank you wholeheartedly Isabelle for this activation, this opening that has been done thanks to your professionalism, your knowledge and especially thanks to what you are. Nadia – France

 It’s been a week and I’m just as emotionally excited as the day I was sitting with Mrs. Girard. This time journey makes me vibrate every day. This session allowed me to access a universe that I call my new life, which allows me to see my life in a different way. Neither I nor Mrs. Girard knew where it projetterait…et me I continue to travel every day to my great happiness. The only intention I had during my visit was answers to some questions then…. suddenly…. the images appeared to me as if by enchantment…. taking me to a universe that I never thought I would see, live, vibrate! I suggest to all to drop all expectation and let go in this wonderful world that is our…. That’s what I call changing his life! Nathalie Charland, Quebec

Thank you very dear Isabelle!! Thanks to you, to your professionalism, to your sweetness, you have carried me up so far and so close to me!! And everything was so clear and so neat! The messages are passed and embedded in the deepest of my being!! The actions are getting underway and coincidentally with the results of the training course I have just completed!!. It will be with great pleasure that I keep in touch with so much professionalism and joy of being and sharing!! . Good to You, Grace, France

Hello Isabelle, I am at my work table and through my window door, I admire on the other side of the river the glittering colors of nature that transforms. The red of the maples, the yellow of the birches and the trembles, the ochre of the Oaks, but above all I find that my heart now, is able to feel all the love at the origin of a creation so luminous. Which is very moving. This openness, origin of the work I did with you.  Thank you and enjoy the weekend.  Ernest

I thank from the bottom of my heart Isabelle GIRARD for having accompanied me in this wonderful journey inside the deepest of my soul. It is a miraculous gift from heaven, a grace that life has given me since I decided to give myself the means thanks to the faculties of the Will and courage of my soul. This experience allows me today to see the world in another way and especially the desire to share my experience with the whole world in order to realize that we have everything in us as soon as we decide to change the course of his life. What I appreciated most is to leave the human plan to find myself on the spiritual plane by the quality of the accompaniment of Isabelle. And, to have a full understanding of my current life that will never be able to be like before. And, what I particularly liked about Isabelle is its light radiance and its softness. On the other hand, I immediately wanted to let myself be guided in this wonderful journey inside. What has been most significant in my experience is to see the correlation of past lives and my mission today in this life. What was most significant in my experience of regression is that I now feel a better foresight of the world, to act differently, to be attentive, in Action and not in reaction, to welcome events in peace, Love and go towards Bliss and infinite bliss by an even greater development of my consciousness to fulfill myself and sow this hope of transformation towards happiness, our original nature. Here are the elements of my experience that surprised me and that caught my attention that I would like to share:-the moment when I leave the human plane to join the spiritual plan which translates into the passage on the other side of the ball of light. I actually felt myself coming out of my body like a call, an attraction by the light. -When a door opens, two doors open, three doors open to my previous lives! -the moment when I see my guides appear as if they were waiting for me! They are joyful, happy to see me to finally convey their message to me.  Josiane Detertre, director, France

Isabelle, I’m grateful for this beautiful gift. I feel soothed, lightened by several weights and confident in the future. I just became myself again. Thank you for contributing to this return to the sources. You’re a craftsman of well-being. Thank you. Véronique

My previous life regression session with Isabelle was a very nice experience, rich in emotions and messages. I have lived it both as a first experience of spiritual hypnosis, and at the same time with my Ericksonian Hypnosis practitioner look and my knowledge of the help relationship. During this session, I had access to a previous life that resonated strongly in me, illuminating my past and giving me a new understanding of my present life. The emotions that I felt during this regression and the message they conveyed drew my attention to the essential points, the thought patterns linked to the memories that I had to liberate myself in order to evolve in my present life. This session also allowed me to have clear and precise answers to my questions at this stage of my evolution. At the same time, it started a process of opening up and releasing new resources, which I saw from the days that followed. Isabelle’s accompaniment, by her precision, her accuracy, created the ideal conditions to live this regression and access this information. She led the session with ease, intuition, and in a very thoughtful way. From my point of view, her experience and intelligence, allied with sincere qualities of heart, make her an excellent therapist. She has my trust. Brenda, hypnotherapist, United Kingdom

Thank you Isabelle for your wonderful session… which allowed the vibratory reconnection to my spiritual origins. The confirmation of this link brings me body lightening, cleaning and relief of the mind: the cells remember, reprogram, happy and light… Discreet and powerful your presence relieves us of a weight; You gently push the door so that we even capture what we need to know, to live at that moment… It is we who find but without you we would not… It’s true, I thought I would settle all things by myself, but no, your presence is so necessary for this passage… You proved it to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Every day the new genetic code is printed and during my care sessions it is always there… thank you and well cordially, Isabelle Bourgeois-Gavin, therapist, France

A very nice experience with Isabelle, who knew by her softness and her professionalism, create a climate of trust and light for my first session of spiritual hypnosis. I started my spiritual journey, but I know that the latter will accelerate thanks to Isabelle. After the daily listening of the MP3, and the session, I feel every day more vibrations. The transformer process is in place and is more active every day. A big thank you Isabelle for your help. It’s a beautiful gift to be made to oneself!  Christiane, Quebec.

I really enjoyed this experience because it allowed me to know my life mission. It reinforces my current life choices and brings me more confidence and optimism. It is a wonderful journey that connects to one’s soul (and also to the family to which it belongs, its destiny). And this encounter with his essential being reveals what is deep within us and invites us to express it. Meeting his guides is also a very strong moment. They are benevolent and bear messages beneficial to our souls and our lives. I was disturbed by visualizing a previous life in connection with my current life. The context, the places…. everything seems different but the course is surprisingly identical. It allowed me to relive beautiful moments, which, obviously, are engrammés in my heart. This memory is undeniable, but once updated, it helps to better understand its current life and to better project it. This inner journey is in all respects rewarding, promising and encouraging. Isabelle GIRARD, my practitioner, was listening to my expectations, advised me and allowed me to better target my questions. His kindness and gentleness have accompanied me in this journey so that every moment takes place perfectly. The link, the exchange with it are permanent and provide great confidence. Sylvie Gajjar, Care Practitioner

Isabelle was for me a great listen and kindness. I strongly appreciated the qualities of gentleness, kindness and professionalism that emanate from her. She was able to guide me towards a better understanding of myself and the difficulties that I could meet then, accompanying me to put words on my feelings and liberate some of my fears that kept me to advance in my personal existence and Professional. This session was to me as a reminder to whom I really am and gave me a form of courage and peace in me to better situate myself in my life and in my relationships with others. I come out more serene, lighter, having gained confidence in myself, in respect for who I am and in the ability to dare embody the being I am. Isabelle Calmette, Personal development practitioner

First session by SKYPE with Isabelle on August 21, 2014.  No worries, the session worked very well. My situation, at that time was completely blocked, everything I organized was not working, I could not earn enough money to live, my car did not sell, my landlord did not want to renew my lease, The association I set up fell into the water, I had no energy and cried often. I programmed a first session on August 4th that I was forced to cancel the apartment because of the Skype session. I had listened to the preparatory recordings for the session and it did me a lot of good. 10 days later, I dreamed of the hypnosis session with I. Girard and this was very positive. I woke up in my dream and in reality in great shape. I was finally able to find a place to do a session on the 21st. After the session I felt immediately well, I felt full of love, of this infinite love that a whale passed on to me during the hypnosis session. On the 22nd, I put on sale my car on a website, two hours after a person calls me and buys the car on the 24th. Many other things happen, I earn some money with my work… On the 26th I send an email to participate in an internship to meet the Orcs on Vancouver Island, I have an answer in the hours that follow, there is still a place! The internship starts on September 2. On the 28th I find a plane ticket to Montreal where my niece lives. Departure on August 30th from Marseille with a night in Montreal and arrived on 31 in Vancouver, airplane, bus, ferry then I find two participants in the internship in Victoria. My return to France is in a month. I plan to spend ten days with my niece in Montreal and I take an appointment with Isabelle to explore a previous life at her firm in Montreal. Everything happened very quickly, I am happy to have lived these moments of happiness with the Orcs, to have been able to make beautiful meetings and to have been able to unlock my situation. On September 24th, I had my session where I was able to explore a previous life and receive a lot of positive things. Since I have some awareness. I feel like everything is going very fast and I decided to live happiness. I thank Isabelle for her kindness, her very respectful guidance, her softness and her professionalism. On the 26th, I attended a conference of Jean Charles Chabot who brought me many elements of understanding then Isabelle ensured a group guidance, very strong connection experience. My life has changed a lot since the first session! Thanks also to Isabelle for the follow-up after session. Spain

With Isabelle, the spiritual hypnosis session is a very beautiful moment. Being one of the people for whom the word hypnosis was possible manipulation because of the suggestion, I was able to speak to him freely and she welcomed and reassured my fear about it. In fact, it is much more of a connection to our divine and timeless part, which can emerge and express itself freely, without being hindered by mental or emotional concepts. It is a communication of this part with the high plan of consciousness in which it lives and where our conscious has only rarely access. This session is therefore an opportunity to shed light on aspects of our lives that seem incomprehensible or insoluble. Moreover, the fact that it is recorded allows to rehearse and integrate these clarifications. In passing, I would like to salute the respect and delicacy with which Isabelle leads the session and makes it so comfortable for us. Spain

I had the pleasure of meeting Isabelle Girard during my regression hypnosis training in May 2014. Given her energy I wanted to make an appointment with her for a session. It was an incredible experience. It’s totally different from the hypnosis I was practicing then… I was four months pregnant and didn’t know my baby’s sex yet. I have to admit that there was a before and after session. In this session I, for the first time, connected with my baby or should I rather say the soul of my baby. It was very intense as you can imagine. I had prepared questions beforehand but finally nothing happened like what I had thought. It was a very emotional experience and I realized how trivial some details can be. The nice surprise is that I knew the sex of my baby during the session and this was confirmed to me during the ultrasound the following month! We also explored one of my previous lives that could affect my connection with my daughter as well as her well being inside my belly. I am very happy to have had this opportunity with Isabelle and I thank her for her beautiful energy and professionalism. This has been an amazing experience for me and I highly recommend it to all pregnant women! hypnotherapist, United Kingdom

The experience of a session with the recording of a personalized MP3 was most surprising! I did not expect to go so deep into me and so easily face a fear that I have been living for so long. First of all, the interview with Isabelle helped me a lot to open up, to go back in my memories and not feel judged by my fear. Her questions were all relevant, and she was able to discern the essence of what I am living. She always checked what she understood and used my visual and verbal cues. This allowed him to create a really personalized mp3. This session, with the recording of MP3, will remain memorable in my memory. I let myself be lulled by the words and felt totally confident. This allowed me to feel a real release of emotional energy contained, from my Heart center. The tears that came out were liberating and carrying a joy to feel wrapped in the essence of my being. The sensation of being loved and surrounded by light helped me a lot to completely let me go to feel without judgment. I was able to realize that my fear was nourished by my own judgments towards myself. I would recommend this experience warmly to all and all… Thank you very much, Isabelle. Nathalie, social worker, Quebec

Isabelle is respectful as a person. She takes the time to grasp the purpose of our meeting with her. She is passionate about her work and is humble enough to thank at the end of the session what she herself received from the experience. She aware well the fact that by helping us grow, she grows too! I was very comfortable doing this process with it. There is professionalism in his organization (the Institute with which she works). If you do the procedure with it, plan for the rest time afterwards. Personally the images were so strong that I could not sleep at night. This form of awareness dream is a symbolic language that does not deceive you. The human psyche with all its spooky images give you incredibly true answers about what really lives you as a person. It’s just about trusting yourself, letting go, even when you don’t know where you’re going on the job. Your inner guide knows it and leads you for sure. Let’s get caught. Lyne Morissette

I conducted a session of hypnosis and regression with Isabelle following a period of doubts and questions about my life mission. The purpose of this session was for me to reconnect to my soul. Isabelle accompanied me in this process. It is a gentle and sensitive person who has taken the time to analyze my needs and questions before the session, and to quickly establish a climate of confidence so that it will unfold serenely. This session was a very pleasant time. The most significant for me was the reconnection to my soul that I was hoping for. It is a beautiful experience, unusual and intense, which allowed me to find serenity and confidence. The regression experienced during the session is also a very strong and emotional moment, which allowed me to visualize scenes of past lives. This session also allowed me to meet my guides, and receive their comfort and messages on my life mission. It has given me the opportunity to redefine my priorities and better understand the situations I live in.  Following this session, many situations in my daily life have been released. I met my soulmate and we both feel this very strong bond that unites us.  I feel surrounded by love. I’ve found an inner peace and my life has changed. Since then, I feel an opening of heart that accompanies my daily life. Thank you very much Isabelle. Marie Angèle, psychologist France

Very nice experience! Hypnosis always fascinated me even though I didn’t know much about it. I had the chance to do a session with Isabelle and it was a unique experience. I was perfectly conscious for the duration of the experiment. I had the opportunity to know more about my past lives and to see them. I was fortunate enough to have several answers to my questions thanks to the questions asked of my Guides. Although sometimes I took time to answer Isabelle’s questions and to describe what I saw, she was very patient and attentive to what I was describing. I was really surprised and I liked being able to communicate with a deceased brother before I was born and I never knew. I recommend!  Quebec

It was an experience to live! I did not know hypnosis at all, and spiritual hypnosis is fabulous. It is a moment of connection to his soul and with the guides who watch over us. I got the answers I needed after an EMI. My mother having also done the sitting with Isabelle has been transformed. Its blockages have disappeared, it is bright and open to life. Isabelle puts us in confidence from the first contacts and shows a great kindness and generosity. I can only advise this experience if you have blockages and important questions about your life!  Rajendran, United Kingdom

I had never lent myself to hypnosis before and I confess that I had some slight apprehensions before this first experience. Will it work on me? And if so, what were the « effects »? Isabelle was able to put me in confidence right away. We took the time to get acquainted and she explained to me in detail the process that would follow. And it must be said that this experience proved to be very pleasant.  Nothing to do with the hypnosis of spectacle that one can see on television. Spiritual hypnosis is primarily a state of profound relaxation and even meditation. The regression towards the past lives was made smoothly, with visualization exercises proposed by Isabelle.  Throughout the session, I remained conscious and heard the voice of my therapist. Images began to appear to my mind. If I were asked about places, names, events, answers came to me instantly, which was quite surprising.  As I saw this information, a frame of life was drawn, with a path, a progression. I also felt some pretty strong emotions.  Isabelle was always there, guiding me and trying to deepen certain details. Sometimes I had no answers to his questions. We were going to explore something else. Nothing was forced. Once the session was over, I felt very calm and peaceful. I had not realized the time that had elapsed, although I remembered everything that had happened. I now want to learn more about past lives and their influence on our present existence. In closing, I would say that Isabelle is a person really listening and with whom it is very nice to exchange. Using her own path, she lavishes wise life tips. I thank her for this great experience. Pierre Olivier Guillard, Quebec

 I made a very beautiful experience of spiritual hypnosis with Isabelle Girard. She knew how to put me in confidence and especially reassured me because I have trouble visualizing. She helped me a lot because sometimes I blocked, and she knew every time to soothe me so that I could access the information. I appreciated his patience and the relevance of his interventions. Isabelle is a very attentive and caring practitioner. I liked the regressions in my previous lives because they allowed me to understand what my red thread is in my current life and what learning I have come to live.  The passage in the between life has been interesting… It’s as if my inner voice had become audible during the session. I was able to access information about my life mission, better understand my relationship with my soul mate and with my family. I was able to be advised on my family, sentimental and professional future. A big thank you to Isabelle!  M Granse, therapist, Germany

What I most appreciated from my experience was that I was able to get in touch with a memory of a past life that was very significant and whose lessons and achievements will serve me in my present life, since I shall have this memory of this very specific episode. Certainly I cannot confirm or deny that it is indeed a past life, but in my eyes it does not matter, since the power of the message is very significant with regard to this life. This meeting with a part of me allowed me to understand the source of the ‘ patterns ‘ that have often led me to darker paths and the lessons of this memory, will serve me to grow! I appreciated the courtesy of Isabelle, her attentive listening, the fact that she is genuinely interested in what the patient will discover during the session. Also, I felt under no circumstances judged, even if sometimes the subjects were heavy or even wacky, she retained her positive and professional attitude. I really felt that she was talking with her heart and I have to admit that what impressed me most was the rational-spiritual balance she gives off and I believe that this balance opens all the doors. What was most significant was the fact that I was able to touch a specific episode of a life that made me very enlightened about my actions. The fact that I have revisited this memory in a fragmented way, has brought me a greater understanding and by this understanding, I have grasped the importance of forgiving myself. Also, from a more technical point of view, I hold that the strength of the spirit is great and that one has access to it simply by asking what one wishes to understand. I take this valuable lesson and try to probe my mind more often instead of looking for answers outside. I thought that hypnosis would bring us into a trance by being plunged into our lives in the way of a video game, that we were leaving ‘ ‘ elsewhere ‘ ‘ and in doing so I had several fears about staying stuck in the unconscious or reliving a trauma or worse, never Back to consciousness. Of course, none of this happened… I realized how sometimes you can see things that are much bigger or scary than they actually are. On the contrary, I remained conscious from the beginning to the end and it was a very nice encounter with oneself! An opportunity to meet and probe our soul so that we can be guided towards a union in love for a full realization of oneself!  Jean-Simon Bellavance, Quebec

I did a spiritual hypnosis session with Isabelle Girard. During the session, I was very conscious, (which is normal but part of me expected something else) and I was wondering at the moment of the questions: Is it me who is inventing or am I really in the process of receiving messages? I had prepared a long list of questions and I had a lot of expectations. Thinking I didn’t get the answers I wanted during the session (they took a different form from what I expected), I felt disappointment. However, the discussion with Isabelle after the session was very helpful to me. A little later, I re-listened to the recording of my session, as Isabelle advised me to better integrate the experience and let emerge what had to emerge to my conscience. When I listened to her, I realised that I had been given information, answers, confirmations, but not as I had imagined with my mind. The days that followed, this continued to evolve, until I received directly messages from my higher consciousness. I was transported in a state of fullness, filled with a well-being, an inner peace. It was beautiful, of such grandeur! I got even more specific answers to some of the questions. I had planned too much and I had very specific expectations as to what was to happen during the session, and so I was not really in the reception and letting go. Isabelle, she, from the very beginning, was confident. She knew it was working and that the work was going to continue after the meeting. She opened doors for me, accompanied me with a lot of professionalism and kindness. And my session was a real success! I have experienced something unique and magical. I thank her very much for her help and kindness. United States of America





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