Interview with Isabelle Girard in may 2019

Vincent: Hello Isabelle, thank you for accepting this interview. I follo
wed 2 times in the space of 3 months, the Foundation class access consciousness®

with you and they really brought me great changes in my life. So I would like to know more about you and your approach and share your message to the greatest number, so I find it inspiring.

Isabelle: with joy, Vincent. I am delighted that this training has already brought you so much and have the pleasure of touching even more people.

Vincent: for starters, I’d like you to tell us a little bit more about yourself?

Isabelle: in fact, it may seem surprising but I have always been preparing for what I am doing today. Since my adolescence, I have been interested in personal development and all sorts of techniques (meditation, interpretation of dreams, inner journeys, etc.). From the age of 14-15 years, I discovered « donations » and I started to carry out practices on me and my family, such as guided relaxation, magnetism, clairvoyance,
etc. During a business survey, a well-established sophrologist made me realize that I was too young to directly practise a profession like hers and that it was better for me to first study « more classical » and to gain experience in the World of work.
I followed his advice and I went to a higher school of Commerce, which opened up a lot of doors for the rest. During my studies, I organized many trips, evenings, events. And I loved it: connect people with each other, put joy in their lives, take pleasure together etc.. It’s part of me. An
d even today, it always motivates me so much… even if I do it another way! laughter

Vincent: AAH knowing that, I understand much better where your particular way comes from transmitting things, which I perceived during your trainings. We’ll get back to that. And so in what areas have you started your professional career?

Isabelle: I started in the communication and human resources consulting in international structures, which allowed me to open up even more in the world (I who loved to travel) and to grasp very different cultures and horizons.

Vincent: already a red thread was drawn: travels – great adaptability – passion – development of human resources – connection between people – transmission, is that it?

Isabelle: exactly. And I have always followed this path from the beginning. Over the course of my career, I have already performed no less than 15 different trades (consultant in com, HR, accompaniment to the change of life, Manager of a team that managed high potential profiles, French teacher, neuroscience researcher, practitioner in spiritual hypnosis, recruitment, coaching of international profiles, accompaniment of entrepreneurs, etc. and even, you’re going to laugh,… Salsa teacher in Latin America!). And it’s far from over. I’m like this: I love that it moves and I have the ability to learn very quickly and to melt myself very quickly in a new environment and to understand new skills.

Vincent: Woww, it’s very inspiring all this. And all with a constant international dimension, as I understand it?

Isabelle: Yes, the ongoing meeting of new people, new cultures, new ways of thinking is very important to me. Vital itself! I worked in Australlie, in Quebec, in different Latin American countries, etc. with each time, the same pleasure and happiness to discover the world and people.

Vincent: I understand very well. And your course at the therapeutic level that started very young, how did you pursue it then?

Isabelle: I led him in parallel with my active career. From 2003, I began to train myself in different therapeutic techniques, with great professionals across the planet: hy
pnosis, self-hypnosis, professional coaching, clinical psychology, CNV, meditation, sophrology, yoga, practices energetic and spiritual, massages, lithotherapy,
etc. But above all, I practiced immediately all these techniques on people in desire for change. If there is something that characterizes me, it is the immediate practice of what I am learning. For me, knowledge to know, does not really serve! As I
learn quickly, as soon as I have integrated the tools, I use them, on me and then my clients. To say otherwise, I « quickly become the tools », do you understand what I mean?

Vincent: I understand all the better that this is exactly what I perceived at your Foundation classes. You were not teaching the access tools, you were the tools and for the participants… It changes a lot of t
hings! And what happened next?

Isabelle: using all these tools day after day, I discovered gifts similar to mediumity, I began to perceive the future, while also using intuitive writing, which brought me a lot.

Vincent: is it at this time that you experienced a kind of « turning point » in your life, as you had implied in your training?

Isabelle: Yes, I lived at that time an event similar to an imminent death experience. And this created in me a new openness to life because by reviewing the whole thread of my existence accelerated, I « captured » everything I had missed, everything I could have been and do different. This produced a real electro-shock: no, I was not at all unhappy, but I perceived that I could still withdraw much more of my future life…

Vincent: and after that click, what did you do then?

Isabelle: I changed my career again and I went to Quebec to practise spiritual hypnosis: I allowed people to make regressions and free themselves from their previous memoirs, to truly align themselves with their way of life. The results were really stunning. I also did research in neuroscience on the spot. This period in Montreal was beautiful and extremely rewarding for me.

Vincent: and it is in Quebec that you discover access consciousness®?

Isabelle: I followed my 1st formation of bars during a passage in France and I pursued in Quebec. I immediately perceived the infinite possibilities that this unique approach offered. I then decided to invest myself thoroughly, while practicing in individual, and I quickly became facilitatory bars, then facilitator of the body processes, then CF (facilitator certified to transmit the Foundation class). Since then, I am still and again, so the changes I perceive about myself and the participants in my trainings are incredible.

Vincent: could you clarify? What is access Consciousnessapporte Besides, compared to everything you already mastered?

Isabelle: access allowed me to move my life to a whole new level very quickly. Access brings another way to be, to create, to make different choices: more carriers, bigger, more conscious too.

Vincent: if I say that access is an effective tool for really mastering your life, is that right?

Isabelle: I would say that it is a powerful catalyst for change to create one’s life. Access tools – as long as they are practiced and appropriated – allow us to make other choices for us. To be fully creative of our life, coming out of our position as a victim and our problems, whatever they are (relationships, couples, health, over-weight, alcohol, cigarettes, work, etc.).

Vincent: and to put joy and lightness in our lives too, if I believe what I experienced during your 2 trainings?

Isabelle: of course and for me it is essential because it is one of my greatest goals in my life: to get people to understand their lives quite differently, by putting more joy, fun, conscience, kindness, love. And access is a magical tool for this, the most powerful I have ever known. You know what I mean?

Vincent: Yes, all right, this joy, this pleasure radiated quite from your formations and the energy that you radiated every day. Besides, I liked to hear you talk about the impact you want to have on the world. Would you mind respecifying it here for readers?

Isabelle: with pleasure, Vincent. I’ve always perceived that another world is possible. And that joy is the best way to change it.
I know that the more I develop, the more I increase my energy level, the more I radiate this joy of being free around me, the more seeds I seed, and I inspire people to go in that direction. And if they too, in turn, understand that another choice of life is possible and that they can get out of their « problems », they will inspire others to do the s
ame and so on. Access is an incredible way to allow everyone to perceive the extraordinary contribution it can make to the world and to live more freely, lighter and more easily in all areas.

Besides, would you mind asking me to ask you a question, Vincent? You did not perceive this during your 2X 4 days of training with me?

Vincent: If, very sincerely, I have also practiced many personal development tools, I was really struck by the power of everything you have given us during this foundation class. Immediately, profound changes have taken place in my life and the process is still underway today. I
feel « very different », everything goes faster and I opened many possibilities which I had no idea of the existence until then. When we start Access, we want it again and again, if I may say… Laughter!

But beyond the access method, how could you describe « the approach Isabelle Girard », because you and I, we know, that the tools do not do everything, the art of teaching them changes many things?

Isabelle: that’s a great question. My trademark as an access facilitator, comes from my profile and the guiding thread of my life:d fir
st, I had such a varied and open course on the world that I have a great ability to create connection with people, to make them comfortable , without any judgement. Directly, people feel « good » in my trainings and this greatly facilitates their « bare » and therefore their rapid evolution.

Then I can adapt myself with a lot of sweetness and kindness to each of them and bring them, what they need in the moment. All my trainings are « in groups » but each one is taken care of individually, as you have found yourself.

Being myself the energy of life and movement, I help everyone to take ownership of the tools directly and to put them in place immediately in his daily life, because I am not at all fans of purely « mental » learning. I love to see the immediate changes in my participants who realized that another reality was possible for them, that they had the choice to live differently, provided they decided. With sweetness and power, I bring them to this, in all my classes and I love it.

I would also say that being very joyful in nature, I easily manage to create a communion between all the participants and that my classes are both intense on the merits, but very playful on the form. We always spend wonderful moments together and follow up after each class.

There, I say things, Vincent, but is that what you perceived? because here you are the interviewer. You have been a participant on two occasions so I am very interested in your return.

Vincent: perfectly. Not only do I totally share everything you say, but I would like to add something, which in my view is very important. I want to talk about your co
nsistency. You teach – very well – the tools and philosophy of acces but… in everyday life, I feel like you’re doing it for yourself. You lead your existence exactly as the two founders of this beautiful method advocate it and I find it remarkable! You’re totally free and you always make the best choices for yourself, day after day! To
finish, would you have a key message to share with readers?

Isabelle: Yes, I would like to tell them: dare to choose bigger, dare to go to the end of your dreams, dare to get out of your comfort zone. Don’t think too much! Another way to live your life is possible and it opens you endless possibilities, provided you believe, choose and perseve
re. And access is a fantastic Toolbox to allow you to access this different life.

Vincent: excellent! Thank you Isabelle, for this very inspiring interview and this beautiful message of hope, which is all the more authentic, that it represents exactly the choice you made
in your life! To be concrete now, let’s imagine that I want to take a training with you, what I start with and how I do it?

Isabelle: to get started, I invite people who do not know access consciousness, to take a training access bars® (one day) with me. Next,
the next step is to participate in my Foundation class (4 days) as you did! After these 5 in
tense days with me, I am sure that the lives of these people will be really different and open the doors of a completely different reality.

The other possibility is to join me for workshops of one day, without prerequisite or even training bars, around various topics such as relationships otherwise, total ease with your body, develop your business and live your passion, total ease with money….

To find all my calendar, here is the link to all the events: https

Thank you very much Vincent for this very nice Exchange!

Vincent: thank you Isabelle! Given what the Foundation has (already) changed in my life, I am very pleased that we can disseminate your message in the widest possible way, through this interview.

Isabelle Girard, certified facilitator, access bar facilitator and body processes. Instructor, lecturer, revealing possibilities


Gratitude to Vincent burgers for having done this interview.




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